Nortel Switched Firewall 2.3.3 User’s Guide and Command Reference
Command reference
213455-L, October 2005
Advanced SNMP Settings Menu
The Advanced SNMP Options Menu is used to configure less common SNMP options.
<new string, maximum 64 characters>
Configures the name for the system. The name can have a maximum of 64 characters.
<new string, maximum 64 characters>
Configures the name of the system location. The location can have a maximum of 64
[SNMP Advanced Settings Menu]
trapsrcip - Set source ip of traps
Table 40
Advanced SNMP Settings Menu (/cfg/sys/adm/snmp/adv)
Command and Usage
This command is used to configure which source IP address will be used with SNMP
traps generated from the Nortel Firewall.
auto: The IP address of the outgoing interface is used. This is the default.
unique: The IP address of the individual Nortel Firewall is used.
mip: The IP address of the cluster MIP is used. This setting is useful with applications
(such as some versions of HP OpenView) that expect devices to be limited to only one IP
Table 39
SNMP System Information Menu (/cfg/sys/adm/snmp/system)
Command Syntax and Usage