Nortel Switched Firewall 2.3.3 User’s Guide and Command Reference
Command reference
213455-L, October 2005
System Menu
The System Menu is used for configuring system-wide parameters.
[System Menu]
time - Date and Time Menu
dns - DNS Servers Menu
cluster - Cluster Menu
accesslist - Access List Menu
adm - Administrative Applications Menu
log - Platform Logging Menu
user - User Access Control menu
ups - APC UPS Menu
Table 18
System Menu (/cfg/sys)
Command Syntax and Usage
The Date and Time Menu is used to set the date, time, and time zone options.
page 283
for menu items.
The DNS Servers Menu lets you change Domain Name System (DNS) parameters.
page 285
for menu items.
This command displays the Host Information menu, which allows you to configure the
host IP and management IP (MIP) address for the firewall host. It also lets you assign a
physical port to that network.
page 286
for menu items.
The Access List Menu is used to restrict remote access to Nortel Switched Firewall man-
agement features. You can add, delete, or list trusted IP addresses that are allowed Tel-
net, Secure Shell (SSH), or Browser-Based Interface (BBI) access to the system. If the
access list is not configured, users will not be able to access remote management features
even when those features are otherwise enabled.
page 289
for menu items.