9 - 2
Limit parameters; maximum software travel, maximum velocity, maxi-
mum acceleration, maximum jerk, and motor following error. Axis Control
Once the axes have been configured the ESP system can move motion
devices. Devices must first be enabled, then targets can be specified from
trapezoidal or S-curve profiles, or jog mode can be activated.
9.1.3 Trajectory Control Process
The trajectory generation module operates independently from the servo
generation module and data is passed from one to the other only in the
servo interrupt service routine. Trajectory control processes are there-
fore not affected by servo generation processes.
Since trajectories are generated in real time, parameter changes can be
processed in real time as they are received from the API. The following
parameters may be changed while the axis is moving: target point, slew
velocity (speed), jog velocity, acceleration, and deceleration
For all other trajectory control parameters, it is recommended that the
application programmer not submit parameter changes to the API unless
the affected axes are stopped. In general, the software holds these param-
eter change requests as pending until the axes are stopped.
Data Acquisition Overview
The ESP 6000 motion system combines high-performance data acquisition
capability with control functions on one card, the ESP6000 controller. The
controller card provides physical integration of the two functions, elimi-
nating the problems normally associated with integrating different circuit
boards, enhancing acquisition synchronization, and reducing power and
space requirements.
The ESP6000 controller card provides a muxed, eight (8) channel, 16-bit
Analog-To-Digital converter (ADC) function for processing analog signals
from its analog I/O connector. Access to the analog I/O connector is
provided via Newport’s optional analog cable (see Section 8, Optional
Equipment). The cable attaches to an open slot at the front of the personal
computer for convenient hook-up to customer-provided devices. A
simplified block diagram of the converter and associated circuitry is
shown in Figure 9.2-1 and described in the following paragraphs.
16-bit, 100 kHz
A/D Converter
Sample Trigger
(Timer or
Software Driven)
8 Single-
Figure 9.2-1 — Analog-To-Digital Flow Diagram
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