Then select [Rear Rail] in [PCB Zero Position] and click [Current Position] behind the right
offset. At this time, the coordinates of [Right Offset] will change (right board is left offset). Then
click [Save]-[Exit].
The lower right corner of the lower cover is the corner close to the right side of the track 2.
As the track 2 is a moving track, it will be debugged according to the size of the board. So, the
lower right corner of the lower cover cannot be fixed and needs debugging every time, as shown
in the following figure:
Move the camera position to the lower right corner of PCB first, then click [Current
Position], and the system will set this position to the lower right corner.
Click the arrow around the image to move the center point of the camera beyond the upper
left corner of PCB. It can be moved a little more distance beyond the upper left corner to ensure
that the upper left corner has completely covered the whole PCB range.