July 2003
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
536 – S14
Station Hunting
Doc. No. 8
201 - Re
lease 1.0
July 2003
A maximum of 120 stations in the Xen IPK Expanded system or 32 in
the Xen IPK Basic system, can be assigned to a hunt group.
The station master number is an actual station. If this station is busy,
the call is forwarded to the next programmed answering station.
Linear hunt (consecutively search from the lead station) is provided.
DIT/ANA calls to Station Hunting master numbers follow the station
hunt group assignment.
When a station number other than the Station Hunting master number
in the hunt group is dialled directly, hunting is not performed.
When a Station Hunting master number is set for Call Forward - All
Calls/Busy, incoming calls to this station follow the Call Forward
setting. If the Forward to Station is busy, the incoming calls follow the
station hunting assignment.
A Station Hunting master number can be included in another station
hunting group to chain together two Station Hunting groups.
The following conditions cause a station in the hunt group to
be skipped:
1. The station is busy.
2. Call Forward - All Calls is set for that station.
3. The station is in DND Mode.
4. The station is off-line.
CO Ring transfers, DIT/ANA, Tie/DID, and internal calls to a Station
Hunting master number do not hunt past an unanswered member of
the hunt group.
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)
Feature Name
Simplified Call Distribution