Features and Specifications Manual
Features and Specifications Manual
C5 – 147
oc. N
o. 8201 -
July 20
Data Assignment:
Use Memory Block 1-8-08 [Class of Service (Station) Feature
Selection] Page 4, LK3 to allow (LED On) or Deny (default: LED Off)
capture of Caller ID information on voice mail ports.
The Return Call feature can be enabled per mailbox in Expanded
Access Codes and can be enabled for internal numbers only or for
both internal and external numbers.
To use this feature for long distance calls, LCR or ACR must be
programmed for the voice mail ports set to dial out. Refer to
Chapter 2 in the Xen IPK System Programming Manual for detailed
programming instructions.
The enhanced Caller ID is enabled by setting CID=0,0 on the
Integration Options line of Easymade Switch Setup Screen, Page 1.
When Caller ID is already enabled on a system that is updated, the
CID=X,Y setting can be changed to CID=0,0. Only one CID setting is
allowed on this line.
The Return Call parameter must be entered on the Integration Options
line of Easymade Switch Setup Screen, Page 1 to enable this voice
mail feature. Default is RCV=6,10 where 6 is the number of rings voice
mail tries when returning a call, and 10 is the number of minutes a
retuned call can last.
A trunk access code must be entered on Easymade Switch Setup
Screen, Page 1, line 9 so the Return Call feature can access a
trunk to return the call. When this is not entered, the mailbox user
is not prompted to return the call even when Caller ID information
is available.
The Rings to answer field on Easymade Applications Screen, Page 2,
line 15 must be set to 2 or greater because Caller ID information is
provided from Telco between the first and second ring.
VMS revision 01031 v 6.68 and FMS revision 06231 v 6.68 or higher
are also required.
When Centralised Voice Mail is used, the remote voice mail user gets
only Caller ID number when voice mail answers incoming CO
calls and performs an Await-Answer transfer to the remote user. A Call
that forwards to voice mail from the remote system does not have
Caller ID information.
Live Record is not available when using Return Call.
A Telephone used as an ACD Plus agent or supervisor station should
not have mailboxes that support Softkeys. Softkeys can be disabled
per mailbox in Access Codes Options on Easymade Application
Screen, Page 5 of 6. Place an
in front of Hands Free Play (Item N) to
disable Softkeys for a particular station.