Features and Specifications Manual
Features and Specifications Manual
I8 – 379
oc. N
o. 8201 -
July 20
Use Memory Block 1-8-08 [Class of Service (Station) Feature
Selection 2] Page 5 LK7 to allow (LED ON) or deny (default: LED Off)
display of both name and number. Page 4 LK4 selects the position of
the name or number on the display for the stations assigned to the
Class of service.
Use Memory Block 4-17 (Station to Class of Service Feature
Assignment) to assign each station to Class of Service Assignments.
Data Assignments for Calling Party Number (CPN) Presentation
from Station
Use Memory Block 4-47 (ISDN Directory Number Selection) to specify
whether or not the station is allowed to present the assigned number
in Memory Block 4-62 to the network for Caller ID information when
trunks are assigned as DID in Memory Block 3-91.
Use Memory Block 4-62 (ISDN-PRI Directory Number Selection) to
provide individual stations with the 10-digit number to be presented to
the ISDN Network when trunks are assigned as DID in Memory Block
3-91. User provided Call screening and presentation may or may not
be needed from the ISDN provider.
The ISDN-PRI interface provides voice communication only.
The ISDN-PRI interface does not support Multipoint Access.
Restrictions for Calling Party Name and Calling Party Number
Presentation from Station
The Xen IPK can only display 13 characters of the provided Name or
Number from the ISDN Network.
The Xen IPK does not display the name presentation status as private
or unavailable.
When Memory block 4-47 is assigned as YES, and Memory Block 4-
62 has a number assigned, the setting in Memory Block 4-62 overrides
the number set in Memory Block 3-52 when the station places an
outgoing call using PRI.
PRT trunk types must be assigned as DID in Memory Block 3-91 for
Memory Block 4-62 to provide the number to the ISDN Network.
Incoming calls may display either the Calling Line Identification (CLI)
information or the internal Trunk Name information, as specified in
system programming (Memory Block 3-00).
Calling Line Identification Restrictions (CLIR), when set, restricts the
caller’s line information from being sent on outgoing calls. This can
also be accessed by dialling a code using the telephone key pad, on a
call by call or station by station basis from analogue or digital phones.
Outgoing calls display the Exchange Group Directory Number (GDN) if
no number is programmed for the B Channel.