Features and Specifications Manual
D13 – 275
No. 8201 -
Release 1.0
July 2003
Distinctive Ringing
The Distinctive Ringing feature distinguishes between internal and incoming
outside calls. This feature provides distinct ring audible signals
and patterns.
Distinctive Ring can be assigned on a per trunk or per telephone basis.
Terminal Type
All terminals, except Single Line Telephones connected to an AP(R)-
R( ) Unit.
Required Components
Data Assignment
Synchronous Ringing (Allow or Deny) is assigned system-wide.
An unanswered CO/PBX call can switch to a different ring tone (higher
pitch), if assigned in System Programming. The switching times are
10, 20 and 30 seconds or No Timeout (default: No Timeout).
An unanswered Tie/DID call can switch to a different ringing
pattern and ring selected stations by using the Day or Night Mode
Ringing Assignment, if assigned in System Programming. The
switching options are 10, 20 and 30 seconds, or No Timeout (default:
No Timeout).
CO distinctive ringing tones can be assigned for each Multiline
Terminal or each CO/PBX line system-wide. Then each Multiline
Terminal or CO/PBX can be assigned a low, medium, or high tone.
The same high tone is used when CO/PBX ring alarm is assigned.
Transfer ringing cycles and tones are assigned one time for the entire
system. This tone and cycle are used for the transferred calls,
regardless of the tone and cycle initially used by the trunk.
The order of Priority of Ring pattern is:
1. MB 4-59
CO Line Ringing Pattern by Telephone or CO Line
2. MB 1-1-59
Synchronous Ringing Selection
Not applicable.