User’s Manual U14492EJ3V0UD
11.16 How to Shut Down FCAN Controller
The following procedure should be used to stop CAN bus operations in order to stop the clock supply to the CAN
interface (to set low power mode).
<1> FCAN controller’s initialization mode setting
• Set initialization mode (INIT bit = 1 in C1CTRL register (set INIT bit = 1, clear INIT bit = 0))
<2> Stop time stamp counter
• Set TSM bit = 0 in CGST register (set TSM bit = 0, clear TSM bit = 1)
<3> Stop CAN interface
• Set GOM bit = 0 in CGST register (set GOM bit = 0, clear GOM bit = 1)
• Stop CAN clock
Cautions 1. If the above procedure is not performed correctly, the CAN interface (in active status)
can cause operation faults.
2. Perform only steps <1> and <2> above when setting the CPU itself to low power mode
and operating the CAN interface using a CPU-supplied clock.
In this case, stopping the CAN interface clock (step <3> above) is automatically
performed when the CPU clock is stopped, so there is no need to perform step <3>.