User’s Manual U14492EJ3V0UD
11.15 Interrupt Conditions
11.15.1 Interrupts that are generated for FCAN controller
When interrupts are enabled (condition <1>: M_CTRLn register’s IE bit = 1, conditions other than <1>: C1IE
register’s interrupt enable flag = 1), interrupts will be generated under the following conditions (n = 00 to 31).
<1> Message-related operation has succeeded
• When a message has been received in the receive message buffer
• When a remote frame has been received in the transmit message buffer
(when auto acknowledge mode has not been set, i.e., when the M_CTRLn register’s RMDE0 bit = 0)
• When a message has been transmitted from the transmit message buffer
<2> When a CAN bus error has been detected
• Bit error
• Bit stuff error
• Form error
• CRC error
• ACK error
<3> When the CAN bus mode has been changed
• Error passive status elapsed while FCAN was transmitting
• Bus off status was set while FCAN was transmitting
• Error passive status elapsed while FCAN was receiving
<4> Internal error
• Overrun error
11.15.2 Interrupts that are generated for global CAN interface
Interrupts are generated for the global CAN interface under the following conditions.
An undefined area is accessed
If the GOM bit is cleared to 0 when one of the CAN modules is not in the initialization status (ISTAT bit of
C1CTRL register = 0) with the EFSD bit of the CGST register = 0
A CAN module register (register starting with “C1”) is accessed when the GOM bit of the CGST register = 0
A temporary buffer (in the area following the address of the C1SYNC register) is accessed when the GOM bit of
the CGST register = 1