KIROVETS K-744R1, K-744R2, K-744R3, K-744R4 tractors
Perform marking of the screen for regulation of the position of light spots of headlights
according to Fig.24. Align the position of vertical axis O of the screen (it shall be in the
longitudinal axis of symmetry of the tractor). In accordance with recommendations set forth in
GOST R 41.48-
2004 (Item, select the value of В=125 mm to the distance to the
screen 5 m.
Fig. 24 Diagram of screen marking
for headlamp regulation
О is the vertical axis of symmetry;
1, 1a, 2, 2a are the projections of
geometric centres of lamps to the
screen; BL, BP are the points of
combination of the centres of light
spots of the left and right headlamps
of high beam; (А=1,320 mm; B=570
mm; C=125 mm; D=50; E=450)
Headlight regulation is performed by means of the head of TORX E5 wrench with the internal
layout of the “star”. The layout of regulating screws on left headlights is shown in Fig.24a (view
from inside the boot). On the right headlights, the layout of screws correspond to the mirror
Fig.24a Layout of regulating screws on left headlights (view from inside the boot)
For regulation of the direction of light fluxes of headlamps, it is necessary to lift the boot, wear
the head of TORX E5 wrench onto the adjustment screw and turn it in the required direction.
For left headlamps a turn of the upper adjustment screw of the headlamp in the clockwise
direction (anticlockwise direction) leads to a turn of the light beam upwards (downwards)
respectively and a turn of the lower adjustment screw of the headlamp in the clockwise direction
(anticlockwise direction) leads to a turn of the light beam to the left (to the right) respectively.
Having lowered the boot, compare the result obtained to the required value. The regulation is
performed several times until the situation is reached similar to the screen marking diagram.
The adjustment is performed for each lamp separately; in doing so, it allows to avoid flare from
other lamps by means of installation of non-transparent screens or by disconnection of
connectors from the corresponding lamps.
low beam
high beam
to the left
to the left
to the right
to the right