Section F. Adjustments Belarus - 90/92 Operating manual
Adjustment of tapered roller
bearings of directive wheels of
Belarus-90 tractors
During the adjustment of bearings of
guide wheels, mount axial clearance in
the range 0,08-0,20 mm. Control it every
1000 h operating. For this, lift the wheel
and, rocking it in the direction,
perpendicular to plane of rotation,
determine the gap in the bearings.
After determine the raised gap, perform
adjustment as follows:
) unscrew the bolts and take off the
cover 2;
b) uncotter the castle nut 1 and turning
the wheel from the hand, tight nut 1
until the appearance of raised
resistance to the wheel rotation.
Than unscrew the nut so to obtain
the coincidence of the nearest cut of
the nut with hole under cotter pin in
the semiaxis;
c) check ease of wheel rotation;
d) cotter the nut, put the cap in place
provisionally filling it by lubricant.