Section G. Maintenance
Belarus – 90/92 Operating manual
Tractor maintenance in special
operating conditions
When operating the tractor under special
conditions (at lower temperatures, in the
desert, on sand and boggy soils, rocky
terrain), specified intervals and scope of
maintenance are preserved.
On top of that, below-listed works are
introduced additionally or performed
more frequently.
When operating the tractor in
desert, on sandy soils, at high
temperatures and dust.
Use enclosed method of filling the
engine with oil and fuel. Change oil in
the air purifier sink after each three
During M-1 check:
• Engien oil, no mechanical impurities are
allowed in oil. If necessary, replace;
• Central air purifier pipe (the pipe should
be clean). Wash and service the air
purifier after each 20 hours;
• Wash with stream of water or blow off
with air the water radiator core.
Radiator should be clean with no
traces of oil on its surface. During M-2
wash fuel tank plug.
When running the tractor at low
temperatures, make pre-start engine
heating up to
20-30 °
. At the end of
the shift
fill tanks with fuel (at
temperature below 30°
use arctic fuel).
Fill the cooling system with antifreeze
When running the tractor on rocky
soils and in highlands.
During shift-time visual examinations
check driving gear and other tractor
components for possible damages, as well
as tightness of engine casing plugs, rear
axle and FDA, fastening of driving wheels.
Check air tightness of the radiator plug of
the engine cooling system.
in highlands operation conditions
to avoid disturbance of engine
functioning, make adjustment of the
fuel pump with a view to reduce its
capacity in the following range:
At elevation of 1500-2000 m above
see level reduce capacity by 10%;
• at
m — by 15%;
• at
m — by 20 %;
• operation at elevation over 3000 m
is not recommended.
Tractor maintenance when preparing it
for storage, during storage and
removal from storage
Tractor maintenance in such cases
should be carried out according to
regulations given in section “Tractor