Feature User Guide
Enter the second part of the word. The first part remains unchanged (locked). The newly entered letters are
highlighted and then locked while you scroll to the next word option.
Press * key. The word is placed in the text area with a space and automatically added to the dictionary.
2.14.8 Adding Words to the Dictionary
Each language comes with its own dictionary. You can create words (including alphanumeric abbreviations). Once
you enter a word followed by space, it is automatically stored in the dictionary and appears as a choice whenever
you press the same key combination in the future.
2.15 Broadcast Call
The Broadcast Group Call (also called Site Wide Call) is a high-priority group call from the console operator (or
dispatcher) to all users located at one or more sites. The radios are configured to monitor a Broadcast Call, but
you cannot talk back. The call can be received as a normal Broadcast Call or an Emergency Broadcast Call. The
Broadcast Call preempts an ongoing Group Call that has the same or lower call priority.
2.16 Ambience Listening (AL) Call
This feature allows a console operator (or dispatcher) to establish a special call with a specific radio. It enables
to listen to the conversations and background noises within the range of the radio microphone. The call is set up
without any indication to the affected radio, and any lower priority ongoing voice call or packet data transfer
may be preempted.
After accepting the call, the radio transmits in a simplex call without any action from or indication to the user.
The Ambience Listening Call automatically ends when you initiate any voice call, switch to Emergency or TXI
Mode, or send Emergency Alarm.
2.17 One-Touch Button Feature
To use One-Touch Button feature press and hold an assigned key to activate one of the following features:
Table 2-10
One-Touch Button Features
Switches backlight settings.
TMO Talkgroup Scan
Turns on/off the Talkgroup Scan feature in TMO Mode.
DMO / TMO Switch
Switches between TMO and DMO Mode.
Sending Status
Sends a dedicated status message to a dedicated address.
Change Talkgroup
Changes the talkgroup to the predefined by your service provider.
Hi/Lo Audio
Activates low/high audio.
Sending User Defined Message
Sends a predefined/user defined template to a dedicated address.
Transmit Inhibit (TXI)
Turns on/off TXI Mode.
Private Call
Initiates a private call to a predefined entry in the contact list.