Take the micromotor out of its holder and step on the foot pedal to
operate it. The display shows its approximate speed.
The chart to the right shows the speeds for variable speed mode(see
2)below). The maximum speeds can be lowered.(see 2) below for how
to set the maximum speed.)
If a variable micromotor is set for constant speed, it will run at the
maximum speed shown in the chart.
Tip air can be turned on or off for each speed range.
The motor could overheat if the tip air is turned off
for the medium and high speed ranges. Normally
please use the tip air after ON.
Micromotor settings are shown below:
>>Instrument Set Switches
(See [5] 3. (5) 3),5) and6)of this manual.)
(A) Spray On and Off
(B) Hand piece Light On and Off *
(C) Variable or Constant Speed
(D) Speed Ranges (ultra low, low, medium, high)
(E) Rotation Direction (forwards or reverse)
Set Switches
(See [5] 3. (5) of this manual.)
(F) Set maximum speed for each speed range
(G) Hand piece Light Brightness* (2 levels)
(H) Tip Air On or Off
User Setting
(See [5] 3. (7) 7) of this manual.)
( I ) Spray Timing
(When pedal is first stepped on or later when it is depressed
farther )
*: Option
[5]Operation 6.(3)
Micromotor Speed
Estimates *1
Setting Range (Min
Ultra Low 100 to 250 *3
Low 100 to 3,000 *3
Medium 100 to 9,000
High 100 to 40,000
*1 for TR-91
*2: factory setting
*3: Tip Air Off(factory setting)