Seanet Pro Operation
Gemini 720is Imaging Sonar
Document: 0703-SOM-00002, Issue: 7
© Tritech International Ltd.
When selected, a Zoom box will appear on screen and is movable by pressing and holding
the left mouse button and then dragging to the desired location.
The area chosen by the Zoom box will be over sampled by the Gemini (for the Digital zoom
option) in order to provide a higher resolution picture at that point. If Seanet Pro is recording
a logfile, this additional data will be recorded alongside the normal imagery data.
Zoom Setup
- This sets the size of the highlighted zoomed area (red outline) as a percentage of
the pop up Zoom window. For example a
of 10% means that the highlighted zoom
area will be 10% of the size of the pop up Zoom window. This control has a maximum
value of 40%
- This sets the oversampling rate used for the zoom area. This control has a
maximum value of 4.