Gemini Software Operation
Gemini 720is Imaging Sonar
Document: 0703-SOM-00002, Issue: 7
© Tritech International Ltd.
The list contains the following options: commonly used screen resolutions (i.e. 1920x1080)
and a Screen (x) option, which is the current monitor resolution.
Recording large videos may fail on systems with insufficient memory. If videos
are not written correctly or have no frames then decrease the resolution before
recording. Additionally, AVI videos are less memory intensive and may work
better for larger resolutions.
Capture Format
The user may specify a standard image file format which is used when saving a captured
screenshot. Options provided include:
, and
Video Format
The user may specify a standard video file format which is used when saving a recorded
video. Options provided include:
Reset to Defaults
Pressing the Reset to Defaults button returns the software settings to the default values.
Caution should be taken as this will overwrite all user settings changes.
5.2.4. Filter Settings
Filter Selector
on the
screen selects one of three filters to be applied to the
image before it is displayed. The Filter Setting section of the Configuration Options screen
allows the settings of these three filters to be changed. The
Filter Settings
panel provide
three different data filters that may be applied to the sonar image before it is displayed. The
filters are only active if enabled in the sonar view (See Section 5.1.14, “Filter Selector”).
filter applies an average over a number of images received from the sonar.
It has the effect of removing random noise and rapidly moving targets from the image.
filter retains decreasing amounts of earlier images as well as the current
image. It has the effect of highlighting movement in the images, which appears as a decaying
“snail trail” behind the moving object.