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Program Example
(1) Program example for a format 1 control table
100 ' A program example that reads device memory registered to be monitored by the PCWT
110 DIM TBL1%(10),A%(20),TBL2%(10),B%(20)
'Defines arrays
120 A%(0)=1:A%(1)=0
'Registers X000 to X015 to be monitored
130 A%(2)=2:A%(3)=16
'Registers Y016 to Y031 to be monitored
140 A%(4)=3:A%(5)=96
'Registers M096 to M113 to be monitored
150 A%(6)=7:A%(7)=0
'Registers T000 (contact) to be monitored
160 A%(8)=18:A%(9)=48
'Registers D048 to be monitored
170 TBL1%(0)=255
'Specifies the station number to
communicate with to the lacal station
180 TBL1%(1)=2
'Specifies to monitor registered device
190 TBL1%(2)=2
'Specifies word units
200 TBL1%(3)=5
'Specifies the number of device points to be
210 PCWT TBL1%( ),A%( )
'Executes the monitor registration
220 TBL2%(0)=255
'Specifies the station number to
communicate with to the local station
230 TBL2%(1)=2
'Specifies to read devices registered to be
monitored using the PCWT instruction
240 PCRD TBL2%( ),B%( )
'Executes the read operation
250 PRINT "Status of X000 to X015=&H";HEX$(B%(0)) :
'Displays the result
260 PRINT "Status of Y016 to Y031=&H";HEX$(B%(1))
270 PRINT "Status of M096 to M113=&H";HEX$(B%(2))
280 PRINT "Status of T000 (contact)=&H";HEX$(B%(3))
290 PRINT "Data in D048=&H";B%(4)
300 END