A - 8 A - 8
KILL (Deletes a file).................................................................................................................................... 11-106
KINSTR (Searches through a character string containing full-byte characters for the specified
character string and displays the first location in which it is found) ...................................... 11-108
KLEN (Returns the number of characters of the character string that includes full-byte characters) ..... 11-110
KMID$ (Returns the partial character string that starts at the specified position of a character
string that includes full-byte characters) ................................................................................ 11-112
KMODE (Performs conversion settings of Kanji code) ............................................................................. 11-114
KNJ$ (Returns the full-byte character of the specified Kanji code) .......................................................... 11-117
KTYPE (Returns the character type of the specified position within the character string that
includes full-byte characters) ................................................................................................. 11-118
LEFT$ (Extracts a character string of the number of characters specified from the left of
the character string)................................................................................................................ 11-119
LEN (Returns the number of characters of a character string)................................................................. 11-121
LET (Assigns the value of the expression to a variable)........................................................................... 11-122
LFILES (Prints the filenames to the printer) .............................................................................................. 11-124
LINE INPUT (Stores the key input into a character string variable) ......................................................... 11-126
LINE INPUT# (Reads character from a sequential file into a character string variable) ......................... 11-128
LIST (Displays the program)...................................................................................................................... 11-129
LLIST (The program will be printed to the printer) .................................................................................... 11-130
LOAD (Reads programs) ........................................................................................................................... 11-131
LOC (Returns the current logical location within a file) ............................................................................. 11-132
LOCATE (Specifies the display position on the console screen) ............................................................. 11-133
LOF (Returns the size of a file in record units).......................................................................................... 11-135
LOG (Returns a natural logarithm value) .................................................................................................. 11-136
LPRINT (Outputs data to the printer)......................................................................................................... 11-137
LPRINT USING (Outputs data in the specified format to the printer)....................................................... 11-138
LSET (Moves data from memory to the random file buffer and stores left-justified) ............................... 11-139
MERGE (Merges programs in the memory and a read program)............................................................ 11-140
MID$ (Part 1) (Replaces a section of a character string with another character string).......................... 11-142
MID$ (Part 2) (Returns the partial character expression that begins with the specified position
in a character string)............................................................................................................... 11-144
MKD$ (Converts a double-precision type numeric value into a character string).................................... 11-145
MKDMBF$ (Converts data of IEEE format internal expression to a character string that
can be converted to a numeric value using the CVD function)............................................. 11-147
MKI$ (Converts an integer type numeric value into a character string) ................................................... 11-148
MKS$ (Converts a single-precision type numeric value into a character string) ..................................... 11-149
MKSMBF$ (Converts data of floating point real numbers used by the A2A and A3A into
a character string that can be converted to a numeric value using the CVS function) ........ 11-150
NAME (Changes file names) ..................................................................................................................... 11-152
NEW (Erases all programs in memory and initializes all variables) ......................................................... 11-154
OCT$ (Converts a numeric value into a character string variable in octal notation) ............................... 11-155
ON COM GOSUB (Branches to subroutine when an interrupt occurs from a communication line) ....... 11-157
ON ERROR GOTO (Branch to an error handling routine if an error occurs)........................................... 11-162
ON GOSUB (Branches to subroutine depending on the value of the specified expression) .................. 11-164
ON GOTO (Branches to specified line numbers depending on the value of the specified
expression) ............................................................................................................................. 11-166