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(2) Editing using the screen editor
This is a way of editing the program by displaying the program to be edited on
the screen and moving around the cursor.
It is possible to edit only the necessary areas, so this is easier than line-by-line
The following shows the procedures for editing a program using the screen
1) Display the program to be edited using the LIST instruction.
The following range specifications are possible using the LIST
LIST • • • • • • • • • Lists all the lines of the program.
LIST 300-400 • • • Lists all the lines between 300 and 400.
LIST -500 • • • • • • Lists all the lines from the beginning to line 500.
LIST 600- • • • • • • Lists all the lines from line 600 to the end.
It is also possible to edit the program upon stopping the list display.
Press the Ctrl + C keys to stop the list display of the program in
the middle.
2) Next, move the cursor to the area you want to edit by using the
following keys.
• • • • • • Moves the cursor one line up.
• • • • • • Moves the cursor one line down.
• • • • • • Moves the cursor one character right.
• • • • • • Moves the cursor one character left.
3) Edit the program by making modifications or pressing the following
Insert • • • • • • • • • • • The text to the right of the cursor location
moves one space to the right and a space is
inserted in the empty space.
• • • • •
Back Space
Erases the character immediately before the
cursor and moves the text to the right of the
cursor one space to the left.
Ctrl + E • • • • • • • • Erases the text from the cursor location to
the end of the line.
4) Press the Enter key after editing is complete.
• If the Enter key is not pressed, the changes made to the program
only appear on the screen. Always press the Enter key to commit
the edited program line to the memory.
• There are many other keys that are handy for editing.
For details, see Appendix 5.1.