A - 9 A - 9
OPEN (Opens a file and enables it for input/output processing).............................................................. 11-168
PCRD 11-170
PCRD - Processing Code 1 - (Reading device memory data) ................................................................. 11-172
PCRD - Processing Code 2 - (Reading device memory registered to be monitored by
the PCWT instruction) ............................................................................................................ 11-175
PCRD - Processing Code 4 - (Reading extension file register data) ....................................................... 11-179
PCRD - Processing Code 5 - (Reading extension file registers registered to be monitored by
the PCWT instruction) ............................................................................................................ 11-182
PCRD - Processing Code 7 - (Reading extension file register data by specifying sequential
addresses) .............................................................................................................................. 11-185
PCRD - Processing Code 8 - (Loading a sequence program) ................................................................. 11-190
PCRD - Processing Code 9 - (Loading a microcomputer program)......................................................... 11-194
PCRD - Processing Code 10 - (Reading comment data) ......................................................................... 11-199
PCRD - Processing Code 11 - (Reading extension comment data) ........................................................ 11-202
PCRD - Processing Code 12 - (Reading a special function module’s buffer memory) ........................... 11-205
PCRD - Processing Code 13 - (Reading the type name of the PLC CPU).............................................. 11-213
PCRD - Processing Code 14 - (Reading parameter data) ....................................................................... 11-216
PCRD - Processing Code 21 - (Reading network information) ................................................................ 11-221
PCRD - Processing Code 22 - (Reading routing parameters) ................................................................. 11-223
PCRD - Processing Code 513 - (Reading the type name of the Q/QnA series PLC CPU) .................... 11-225
PCRD - Processing Code 515 - (Reading device memory of the Q/QnA series PLC CPU) .................. 11-229
PCRD - Processing Code 516 - (Random read of device memory of the Q/QnA series PLC)............... 11-235
PCRD - Processing Code 533 - (Reading the buffer memory of the intelligent functional module
of the Q/QnA series PLC CPU).............................................................................................. 11-246
PCRD - Processing Code 1 - (Writing to device memory)........................................................................ 11-258
PCWT - Processing Code 2 - (Monitor registration of device memory) ................................................... 11-262
PCWT - Processing Code 3 - (Random writing to device memory)......................................................... 11-267
PCWT - Processing Code 4 - (Writing to extension file registers)............................................................ 11-271
PCWT - Processing Code 5 - (Monitor registration of extension file registers) ....................................... 11-274
PCWT - Processing Code 6 - (Random writing to extension file registers) ............................................. 11-278
PCWT - Processing Code 7 - (Writing data to extension file registers by specifying sequential
addresses) .............................................................................................................................. 11-281
PCWT - Processing Code 8 - (Writing a sequence program) .................................................................. 11-286
PCWT - Processing Code 9 - (Writing a microcomputer program).......................................................... 11-292
PCWT - Processing Code 10 - (Writing comment data)........................................................................... 11-297
PCWT - Processing Code 11 - (Writing extension comment data) .......................................................... 11-300
PCWT - Processing Code 12 - (Writing to the special function module's buffer memory) ...................... 11-303
PCWT - Processing Code 14 - (Writing parameter data) ......................................................................... 11-310
PCWT - Processing Code 15 - (Analyzing parameter data)..................................................................... 11-314
PCWT - Processing Code 16 - (Remote STOP of the PLC CPU) ........................................................... 11-316
PCWT - Processing Code 17 - (Remote RUN of the PLC CPU) ............................................................. 11-318
PCWT - Processing Code 20 - (Interrupting the PLC CPU)..................................................................... 11-320
PCWT - Processing Code 515 - (Writing data to the device memory of a Q/QnA series PLC CPU) ..... 11-322
PCWT - Processing Code 516 - (Random data writing to the device memory of a Q/QnA series
PLC CPU) ............................................................................................................................... 11-327