Technical manual
Zone 3
: Type of event, shown in case of event
EEPROM faulty
Room temperature probe faulty
LAN disconnected
Room humidity probe faulty
ADL function at operating limit
Feed air temperature probe faulty
Water leaks (flooding)
External air temperature probe faulty
High ambient temperature
Differential pressure transducer faulty
Low ambient temperature
IO 1 expansion alarm offline (ind. 8)
High ambient humidity
T+H probe offline alarm
Low ambient humidity
Humidifier driver offline alarm
Air flow alarm
Network transducer offline alarm
Phase sequence wrong
Circuit 1 frost-free function alarm
Filters clogged
Circuit 2 frost-free function alarm
Fire/smoke detected
BMS1 offline
Electric element overheating
Master PAC-IF offline alarm
High humidifier current
Slave 1 PAC-IF offline alarm
Low humidifier current
Master PAC-IF alarm
No water to the humidifier
Slave 1 PAC-IF alarm
Gas leak detected
In case of several active events, the area displays the event having higher priority of all the present events. The order of severity for the events displayed in this area reflects
the order in which the alarms are reported in the table, from the most to the least severe. The severity of the events is valued based on the consequences they imply for the
operation of the conditioning unit.
Area 3_A
: Code of the event corresponding to the icon shown in area 3
As well as the code, the event type is also displayed (Signal or Alarm).
Zone 4
: “Cold” devices currently in
At least one compressor of an Mr Slim unit is active
If icon
flashes intermittently, the request for compressor start-up is in process, but a countdown is active for PAC-IF dedicated protection timing purposes (see the
corresponding section in the safety function chapter).
Zone 5
: Currently active “Freecooling” devices
Direct Freecooling damper in adjustment
Zone 6
: “Humidity” devices currently in operation
Dehumidifier active
Humidifier active
When the icon
flashes intermittently, the dehumidifier activation request is in process, though a temperature block is active (high or low temperature threshold, minimum
temperature threshold).
On the other hand, the
icon flashing indicates that there is a pending dehumidification request, but a compressor protection time count is running.