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14.2 Troubleshooting of Installation/Uninstallation
14.2.1 Installation failed
14.2 Troubleshooting of Installation/Uninstallation
The following explains the troubleshooting for error at installation or uninstallation.
• Installation failed(
• Uninstallation failed(
14.2.1 Installation failed
When the installation is aborted or failed, reinstall the utility by the following procedure.
1. Check the installation/uninstallation precautions.
2. Restart the personal computer.
3. If the utility can be uninstalled, uninstall it.
After the uninstallation, restart the personal computer.
4. Install the utility again by following the installation procedure. (When the corrective
action displayed on the screen is not effective
5. If the personal computer does not operate normally after the reinstallaion, check if the
personal computer has any problems.
• Operating Environment
• Checking personal computer and operating system
If the troubleshooting above does not help, refer to