Send Mode
If “Send Mode” is off [Fig. 1], the GSM function is
deactivated and you cannot send photos via your
mobile phone network card. If “Instant” has been
selected, you can have the photos sent immediately
to predefined telephone numbers or email addresses.
When choosing “Instant” [Fig. 2], you must define
the maximum number of photos that can be sent
within the following 24 hours. If for example you
define 10, the first 10 photos made with the DTC
1000 will be sent. Photos made in the ensuing 24
hours after the tenth photo will be saved on the SD
card and not be sent.
It is not possible to send more than 200
photos per 24 hours.
If you have chosen “Custom” [Fig. 3], you can define
a specific time when the photos should be sent. Here
too, you must define the maximum number of photos
that should be sent at the set time. As in this exam-
ple, the first 10 photos made with the DTC 1000 will
be sent at 09:30 to the predefined phone numbers
or email addresses.
The time can only be set in the 24 hour for-
mat and the maximum number of photos that can
be sent cannot exceed 30.
With “Daily Report” [Fig. 4], you can have a daily
report of the most important data sent to your mo-
bile phone per text message (SMS) at the predefined
time. The report contains for example the number of
photos that have been made during the previous 24
hours, battery status and remaining memory space
on the SD card.
The time can only be set in the 24 hour format.
Send Via
Your DTC 1000 offers you two options to send your
photos – either as an MMS or via GPRS. Depending
on the phone card plan and options, each MMS might
be charged to your “normal” phone bill, whereas
files sent via GPRS will require a data plan from your
provider. For both options however, you can specify
multiple destinations.
If you have chosen to send your photos per MMS, the im-
ages will be sent to the predefined telephone numbers