Frequently Asked Questions
Water intake fault
Possible cause and solution
The buzzer sounds.
One of the following
fault messages appears
in the display:
Water intake fault
Open the water supply
The water supply is turned off.
Turn on the water supply all the way.
Water intake
Before fixing the fault:
Turn the dishwasher off using the
sensor but‐
There is a problem with the water intake.
Turn on the water supply fully and start the pro‐
gram again.
Clean the water intake filter (see "Frequently asked
The water pressure at the intake is lower than 4.35
Contact a plumber.
The following message
appears in the display
during the
Energy Saver
Intake temp. too low
The intake water has not reached the required tem‐
perature of 120°F (45°C) (see "Water connection -
Water intake").
Start the program again.
If the fault message appears again, select a differ‐
ent program.