MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
3.1.5 Track
3.1.5 Track
3.1.5 Track
3.1.5 Track numbers
If, for example, you make a recording using MIDI inputs 2 and 8, input 2 is the first
recorded track, and is therefore track 1 (“
Track 01
“). Input 8 is the second track, i.e. “
Track 02
If you then add more tracks to the same Song, the new track from input 2 becomes track 3, and the
one from input 8 is track 4, and so on. The tracks are also given names which show the input used.
The number of tracks created during each recording is determined by the settings in the RECORD
The number of tracks created during each recording is determined by the settings in the RECORD
The number of tracks created during each recording is determined by the settings in the RECORD
The number of tracks created during each recording is determined by the settings in the RECORD
window, and wether or not MIDI data is actually received (see following section).
window, and wether or not MIDI data is actually received (see following section).
window, and wether or not MIDI data is actually received (see following section).
window, and wether or not MIDI data is actually received (see following section).
When making a recording, if no data is received at one of the MIDI inputs (even it has been
activated in the “REC“ window), a track will not be created for it. When recording additional
tracks into an existing Song, instead of “
“ the word “
“ is displayed.
3.1.6 Keep tracks (REC)
3.1.6 Keep tracks (REC)
3.1.6 Keep tracks (REC)
3.1.6 Keep tracks (REC)
Immediately after recording, call up the “REC“ function again. A display appears showing
Immediately after recording, call up the “REC“ function again. A display appears showing
Immediately after recording, call up the “REC“ function again. A display appears showing
Immediately after recording, call up the “REC“ function again. A display appears showing
how many tracks have been recorded:
how many tracks have been recorded:
how many tracks have been recorded:
how many tracks have been recorded:
. The new tracks have now been accepted, or “kept“. If you do not do this the
. The new tracks have now been accepted, or “kept“. If you do not do this the
. The new tracks have now been accepted, or “kept“. If you do not do this the
. The new tracks have now been accepted, or “kept“. If you do not do this the
Song (or at least the new tracks) will be lost with the next Program Change (see
Song (or at least the new tracks) will be lost with the next Program Change (see
Song (or at least the new tracks) will be lost with the next Program Change (see
Song (or at least the new tracks) will be lost with the next Program Change (see
“Permanent Record“, page 60).
“Permanent Record“, page 60).
“Permanent Record“, page 60).
“Permanent Record“, page 60).
Now save the new, or altered, Song to disk.
Now save the new, or altered, Song to disk.
Now save the new, or altered, Song to disk.
Now save the new, or altered, Song to disk.
3.1.7 Naming tracks (NAM)
3.1.7 Naming tracks (NAM)
3.1.7 Naming tracks (NAM)
3.1.7 Naming tracks (NAM)
This function is for all those, who prefer a more predicatory name for a Song than the file
name (e.g. “
Livin‘ la vida loca
“ instead of “
“ ). It does not affect the file name!
You can reach this within to a maximum of 20 characters.
This way, you can store an additional information for your live play in the display (e.g.
“Loop T26“, or for those easily forgetting the key: “Gmj“).
If already a name is displayed (e.g. an information fixed by the software sequencer:
“demixed“) you can change it with this function.
If you store the Assign file while the name is displayed, it will be taken and by searching
through the Song memory numbers they will be displayed (if not, you first get the file name,
and after the confirmation the “long name“ will be displayed).
In “Track 00“ you store a Song name, but for clearance in your arrangement you can name
all the tracks of a Song, too, which will be displayed using the “Output Assign“ function.
Now you reach the display:
Trk=00 no_name
Select track