MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
2.5 Automatic loading of Songs with Assignment
The informations in the display will tell you which of the following applies to each Song
memory place:
For a Song memory place without an Assignment, and which has no Song loaded into
it, you will see only the Program number next to the Bank number.
For a Song which is in the Assignment, but which has not yet been loaded, you will see
the name of the Song next to the Program number.
For a Song which has been loaded, you will see the Program number, the Song name
and the bar counter.
This and the following functions can only be used if an Assignment has already been
created or loaded. See “The Assign file“, page 49.
2.5.1 Loading a single Song within the Assignment
2.5.1 Loading a single Song within the Assignment
2.5.1 Loading a single Song within the Assignment
2.5.1 Loading a single Song within the Assignment
, select the required Song name, and press
. The Song is found on the
storage device and loaded immediately. If the Song could not be found (e.g. when it is not residing
on the inserted disk), the Song can be loaded manually by double-clicking
after inserting the
appropriate disk or after changing the directory path. The right storage address you can figure out
using the »
« function (see page 52).
2.5.2 Loading all Songs of an Assignment (LDA)
2.5.2 Loading all Songs of an Assignment (LDA)
2.5.2 Loading all Songs of an Assignment (LDA)
2.5.2 Loading all Songs of an Assignment (LDA)
This function comes from the very first MULTIPLAYER generation and a time when hard disc
drives had been immense expensive. It is only important for the use with floppy disks. It entalls to
load all registered Songs of an Assign into the internal memory (which worked in former times with
some dotzend songs, but today with some hundred Songs it does not make that sense). If you really
entend to work with this function here some hints:
Calling up the »
« function entalls to load all Songs of the current Assign (which will be
found) into the internal memory. The function stops automatically if the memory is too full to
load more Songs. You can also stop manually by pressing
If the Songs are more than one floppy disk, you must run this function again after each disk
change. The MULTIPLAYER will look for Songs which have not yet been found.
If you can’t fit all the Songs in memory at once, select a higher Program number in the
display when you load more, just before calling up the function. Program numbers lower
than this will then be ignored.