MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
2.3.2 Move a Song
2.3.2 Move a Song
2.3.2 Move a Song
2.3.2 Move a Song in the assignment (MOV)
in the assignment (MOV)
in the assignment (MOV)
in the assignment (MOV)
All settings assigned to a Song memory place can easily moved to another. The procedure
just changes the two selected Song places. On this way you can sort your Assign without any late
consequences as often as you want.
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Select a Song memory place. Press
and select
and select Song memory place to change with using
If needed you can change the
Bank as usual.
Confirm with
and the MULTIPLAYER turns back to the top level and the selected
Song memory place.
you leave the function.
2.3.3 Clear Assignment
2.3.3 Clear Assignment
2.3.3 Clear Assignment
2.3.3 Clear Assignment (CLR)
This function cancels the assignment of one Song memory place includimg all settings and
removes the Song from memory. Use this function to remove a Song (which is still available on the
storage drive) from your playlist.
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Select the Song to be canceled, press
and select
If you want to clear another Song memory place you can select it via
you cornfirm and leave an empty Song memory place .
you cancel the function.
2.3.4 Delete Program (DEL)
2.3.4 Delete Program (DEL)
2.3.4 Delete Program (DEL)
2.3.4 Delete Program (DEL)
This function works the same as
, since this function moves all following Song memory
places one Song number lower without leaving a space. This will only be done until the next free
Song memory place!
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Don’t forget to save your new Assign!
Select the Song to be canceled, press
« and the MULTIPLAYER immediately executes the function.
you can abort the function.
Move S1A 1 Test1
S1A 1 Test1
Clear Assignment?
S1A 1 Test1 001.01.0001