MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
3. Sequencer functions
3.1 Recording a Song
The STANDARD MIDI FILE format (SMF), which practically all software sequencers offer as
an option, and which the MULTIPLAYER uses permanently, is very useful in several contexts. It
developed as the most uncomplicated method for the transport of Songs between different devices of
any manufacturer.
Unfortenately, however, the format does not cater for certain individual characteristics of
particular sequencers. In addition, not all sequencer manufacturers use the format to the full. If your
Songs have a degree of complexity which goes beyond the scope of the SMF format, then playback
of those MIDI files may not give exactly the same results as playback in your sequencer’s normal file
format. If this happens, simply play your sequencer and record the Song via the MULTIPLAYER’s
3.1.1 Resolution
3.1.1 Resolution
3.1.1 Resolution
3.1.1 Resolution (Division) (DIV)
(Division) (DIV)
(Division) (DIV)
(Division) (DIV)
, double-click
select a note division. Choose between: 1/96, 1/192, 1/384, 1/768, 1/1536.
When MIDI files are played back the resolution of the data track is read and adopted. The
resolution of a Song which has already been loaded cannot be subsequently altered. In this case the
word »[song]« will be displayed in square brackets after the value.
A 1/768 note corresponds to a resolution of 2.6 ms at a tempo of 120BPM. At this or
higher tempi this resolution is quite sufficient, since it exceeds the data transmission speed
of MIDI (one ms per event) as soon as three simultaneous notes (e.g. a chord) are sent. At
the highest resolution (1/1536 note), and a tempo of 156BPM, the technical limits of the
MIDI standard are reached (one ms per played and transmitted note). Some sequencer
programs use even higher resolutions. The MULTIPLAYER will play back these files
accurately with resolutions up to 1/1920 note, provided the information is stored within the
Song. Such high resolutions are only useful in fairly slow Songs with unquantized tracks.
Set Division: = 1/1536 [SONG]