Warranty Message
The product you have purchased comes with a limited warranty from Mercury
Marine. The terms of the warranty are set forth in the
Warranty Information
section of this manual. The warranty statement contains a description of what is
covered, what is not covered, the duration of coverage, how to best obtain
warranty coverage, important disclaimers and limitations of damages, and other
related information. Please review this information.
The description and specifications contained herein were in effect at the time
this manual was approved for printing. Mercury Marine, whose policy is one of
continued improvement, reserves the right to discontinue models at any time,
and to change specifications, designs, methods, or procedures without notice
and without incurring obligation.
Mercury Marine, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Mercury Premier Service
Mercury Marine evaluates the service performance of its dealers and assigns
its highest rating of Mercury Premier to those demonstrating an exceptional
commitment to service.
Earning a Mercury Premier Service rating means a dealer:
Achieves a high 12‑month service Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI)
score for warranty service.
Possesses all of the necessary service tools, test equipment, manuals,
and parts books.
Employs at least one certified or master technician.
Provides timely service for all Mercury Marine customers.
Offers extended service hours and mobile service, when appropriate.
Uses, displays, and stocks an adequate inventory of genuine Mercury
Precision Parts.
Offers a clean, neat shop with well‑organized tools and service literature.
Copyright and Trademark Information
© MERCURY MARINE. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in
part without permission is prohibited.
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service mark of Brunswick Corporation.