Roller sunblind
Panorama roof with power tilt/
sliding panel .................................. 100
Rear side windows ........................... 96
Rear window .................................. 445
Rear window (COMAND) ................ 266
Roller sunblind of the panorama
roof with power tilt/sliding panel
Operating (front roller sunblind) .... 101
Operating (rear roller sunblind) ...... 101
Roof carrier ........................................ 442
Roof lining and carpets (cleaning
guidelines) ......................................... 476
Roof load (maximum) ........................ 537
Route (navigation)
Displaying the distance to the
destination ..................................... 176
Route overview .............................. 176
Selecting an alternative route ........ 175
Setting route options (avoiding:
highways, toll roads, tunnels,
ferries) ........................................... 156
Setting the route type (short
route, fast route, dynamic route or
economic route) ............................ 156
Starting calculation ........................ 160
see Route guidance (navigation)
Route guidance
Canceling ....................................... 173
Continuing ..................................... 173
Destination reached ...................... 174
Lane recommendations ................. 172
Off-road ......................................... 177
Traffic reports ................................ 178
Route guidance (navigation) ............ 379
Route guidance (on-board
computer) .......................................... 379
Route information
see Dynamic route guidance/TMC
Children in the vehicle ..................... 66
Child restraint systems .................... 66
Occupant Classification System
(OCS) ............................................... 54
Overview of occupant safety
systems ........................................... 48
Safety notes
Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode ..... 225
Operating safety ............................ 120
Video DVD mode ........................... 245
Safety systems
see Driving safety systems
SatRadio ............................................. 221
Displaying information ................... 224
Registering .................................... 221
Selecting a category ...................... 222
Selecting for remote control (Rear
Seat Entertainment System) .......... 144
Switching on/off (Rear Seat
Entertainment System) .................. 129
see Display
SD memory card
Loading .......................................... 226
Seat belts
Adjusting the driver's and front-
passenger seat belt ......................... 64
Adjusting the height ......................... 64
Automatic comfort-fit feature .......... 66
Belt force limiters ............................ 65
Cleaning ......................................... 476
Correct usage .................................. 62
Emergency Tensioning Devices ........ 65
Fastening ......................................... 63
Important safety guidelines ............. 61
Releasing ......................................... 64
Safety guidelines ............................. 49
Special seat belt retractor ............... 68
Switching belt adjustment on/off
(on-board computer) ...................... 388
Warning lamp ................................. 426
Warning lamp (function) ................... 64
Active multicontour seat ........ 112, 276
Adjusting (electrically) ................... 108
Adjusting (rear compartment) ........ 108
Adjusting lumbar support .............. 112
Adjusting the head restraint .......... 110
Cleaning the cover ......................... 476
Correct driver's seat position ........ 106