Important safety information ........... 75
Warning lamp ................................. 430
ETS/4ETS (Electronic Traction
System) ................................................ 76
Exhaust check ................................... 331
Exhaust tail pipe (cleaning
instructions) ...................................... 474
Exterior lighting
see Exterior lighting
Exterior mirror parking position
Adjusting (COMAND) ..................... 266
Exterior mirrors
Adjusting ....................................... 116
Dipping (automatic) ....................... 117
Folding in/out (automatically) ....... 116
Folding in/out (electrically) ........... 116
Out of position (troubleshooting) ... 116
Storing settings (memory
function) ........................................ 118
Storing the parking position .......... 117
Eyeglasses compartment ................. 439
Factory setting (reset function) ....... 154
Fader, setting .................................... 139
Fast forward
Audio mode (CD, DVD, MP3) ......... 230
Rear Seat Entertainment System ... 260
Video DVD ..................................... 247
Fast rewind
Audio mode (CD, DVD, MP3) ......... 230
Rear Seat Entertainment System ... 260
Video DVD ..................................... 247
Favorites (COMAND) ......................... 124
Filler cap
see Fuel filler flap
Filling capacities (Technical data) ... 530
First-aid kit ......................................... 478
Flat tire
Changing a wheel/mounting the
spare wheel ................................... 479
MOExtended run-flat system ......... 483
Preparing the vehicle ..................... 479
Raising the vehicle ......................... 480
Floormat ............................................. 460
Freeway information ......................... 191
Front fog lamps ................................. 282
Display message ............................ 406
Switching on/off ........................... 282
Front-passenger seat
Adjusting from the driver's seat ..... 109
Adjusting from the rear
compartment ................................. 109
Front windshield
see Windshield
Additives ........................................ 532
Displaying the current
consumption .................................. 378
Displaying the range ...................... 378
Driving tips .................................... 330
Fuel gauge ....................................... 37
Grade (gasoline) ............................ 531
Important safety notes .................. 531
Premium-grade unleaded gasoline . 531
Problem (malfunction) ................... 324
Quality (diesel) ............................... 532
Refueling ........................................ 321
Tank content/reserve fuel ............. 531
Fuel filler flap, opening/closing ....... 322
Fuel filter (display message) ............ 412
Fuel level
Calling up the range (on-board
computer) ...................................... 378
Fuel tank
Capacity ........................................ 531
Problem (malfunction) ................... 324
Function buttons (COMAND) ............ 123
Allocation chart ............................. 493
Before changing ............................. 493
Dashboard fuse box ....................... 493
Engine emergency stop ................. 495
Fuse box in the engine
compartment ................................. 494
Fuse box in the rear compartment . 493
Important safety notes .................. 492
Garage door opener
Clearing the memory ..................... 459
Important safety notes .................. 456