Maguire Products, Inc.
Rev. December 18, 2019
– ULTRA-1000 Touchscreen
ULTRA By Maguire
- Ultra Low Energy Dryer
Batch Mode
Batch Mode enables the dryer to dry a predetermined amount of material and then automatically stop and
display a message indicating the batch is complete. To turn on Batch Mode see: System Configuration /
System Preferences / Display Options / Batch Mode.
To enable and run the dryer in Batch Mode follow these steps from the Home Screen:
Start Batch
Start Batch button is located on the Home Screen after Batch
Mode is enabled. Display will show: Batch Start Options.
Set Batch Target
Keypad screen will display. Enter Batch Weight.
To save the batch weight or press the red X to cancel and exit.
Reset Totalizer
to reset the totalized value back to zero (if applicable).
To save the entered batch weight and begin the batch and
start the Dryer. Press the red X to cancel.