Maguire Products, Inc.
Rev. December 18, 2019
– ULTRA-1000 Touchscreen
ULTRA By Maguire
- Ultra Low Energy Dryer
Advanced Information
on the Home Screen
will display additional information such as readings of all
RTD thermometers, vacuum time elapsed, absolute pressure in the Vacuum Chamber,
blower drive frequency.
T1 Actual -
Actual Heating Hopper inlet air temperature.
T1 Setpoint -
Heating Hopper inlet air temperature Setpoint.
Heat Hopper -
Heating Percent (%) output.
T2 Temp
Actual Heating Hopper temperature
Fill Info
– The desired weight of material to be dispensed into the Vacuum Chamber.
Bulk Density
- Bulk density of material in either pounds per cubic foot or kilograms per liter.
Cycle Count
- Total number of cycles since start button was pressed.
Cycle Time
- Total time to process a completed batch of dry material.
Valve Timing - Fill
- Total time to fill the Vacuum Chamber.
Valve Timing - Dump
- Total time to dump the Vacuum Chamber.
- Calculated total of all cycles since last clear of totals.
Thruput -
Calculated throughput, weight per hour.
Vacuum -
Vacuum Chamber Actual Weight
Retention -
Current material weight in Retention Hopper.
Actual Vacuum Time.