The Built-in Configurator
WaveLAN/EC-S User’s Guide
Do I need to change the configuration?
The WaveLAN/EC-S has been designed to instantly connect your
client device to “ANY” WaveLAN IEEE Infrastructure within the
vicinity of the WaveLAN/EC-S device.
Neither is configuration required if you are planning to use a
WaveLAN/EC-S as an alternative to RS-232 serial cables. For
example when you’d like to use the device in a configuration as
described in “Serial Port Topologies” on page 1-10, the devices will
automatically associate with on another.
Situations that might require you to (re-)configure the WaveLAN/
EC-S device could be when you would like to:
Change the WaveLAN Network Name - for example when
the WaveLAN network has been “closed” to devices that use
the value “ANY” (see “Secure Networks” on page 3-23).
Assign unique IP Addresses - for example to allow remote
management via TCP/IP.
Customize Serial Port communication - for example to:
Select any of the special protocols described in Chapter 5
”Serial Port Specifications”
Tailor parameters such as Baud Rate, bit count, parity to
improve the efficiency of communications as exchanged
by the applications using the wireless interface.