Configuring WaveLAN/EC-S
Set the WaveLAN Parameters
WaveLAN/EC-S User’s Guide
Medium Reservation
It is normal behavior for WaveLAN stations to defer transmissions
automatically when they sense that another WaveLAN device is
using the wireless medium.
This behavior also referred to as the Carrier Sense Multiple
Access/Collision Avoidance protocol (CSMA/CA) will avoid that
wireless messages would collide in situations where two or more
stations would start transmissions at the same time.
The Medium Reservation mechanism enables you to improve
wireless performance in network environments where the CSMA/
CA protocol would fail due to the “hidden station” problem as
pictured in Figure 3-5 on page 3-15.
Medium Reservation may provide a solution for networks where:
The density of WaveLAN stations and WavePOINT-II access
points is very low.
You witness poor network performance due to excessive frame
collisions at the WavePOINT-II access points.
A hidden station problem may occur in a situation where two
stations are within range of the same WavePOINT-II, but are not
within range of each other.
Figure 3-5 illustrates an example of the “Hidden Station” problem.
Both Station A and Station B are within range of the WavePOINT-II
access point however, Station B cannot “hear” Station A, therefore
Station A is a “hidden station” for Station B.