Model: BKR-01701-LEU
Version Nr.
: 05.3
: 32 (of 116 Pages)
: EN
: 2006.06.21
produces the best results according to your own experiences and tastes.
- Corn flour and oatmeal flour
Corn flour and oat flour are made by grinding corn and oatmeal respectively.
They both are the additive ingredients for making rough bread, and are used for
enhancing flavor and texture.
- sugar
Sugar is very important ingredient that gives the sweet taste and color to bread
while it helps yeast as nourishment. White sugar is normally used. Brown sugar,
powder sugar or cotton sugar may be needed for special recipes.
- Yeast
The yeast ferments the sugar present in the flour or added to the dough. This
fermentation gives off carbon dioxide which is trapped within tiny bubbles
and results in the dough rising, making the inner fiber soft. Yeast needs the
carbohydrates in sugar and flour as nourishment.
1 tsp. active dry yeast =3/4 tsp. instant yeast
2 tsp. active dry yeast =1.5 tsp. instant yeast
5 tsp. active dry yeast =3 3/4 tsp. instant yeast
Yeast must be stored in a refrigerator as it will be killed at high temperatures.
Before using, check the date and storage life of your yeast. Store it back to the
refrigerator as soon as possible after each use. Usually the failure of bread rising
is caused by dead yeast.
The ways described below will check whether your yeast is fresh and active or
1. Pour 1/2 cup warm water (45-50°C) into a measuring cup.
2. Put 1 tsp. white sugar into the cup and stir, then sprinkle 2 tsp. yeast
over the water.
3. Place the measuring cup in a warm place for about 10min. Do not
stir the water.
4. The froth should be up to 1 cup. Otherwise the yeast is dead or
- salt
Salt is necessary to improve bread flavor and crust color but it can also restrain
yeast from rising. Never use too much salt in a recipe. If you don’t want to use salt,
then don’t use it; your bread will be larger without salt.
8. brEad ingrEdiEnTs