TI V 5 Outdoor Unit Service Manual
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©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
(Confirm / Automatic
Address Setting Button)
(Reset Button)
(x Cancel
Figure 46: Auto Addressing Button Location on
Outdoor Unit PCB.
Auto addressing procedure is complete. The number of indoor units
that have successfully completed the auto addressing procedure
will display on the LED for thirty (30) seconds.
Auto Addressing Procedure Starts.
Wait Three (3) Minutes While
Outdoor Unit Sequences
Through Self-Diagnostics Check.
Proceed when LED is Blank.
Turn Power On
Press and Hold RED SW01C
Button for Five (5) Seconds.
LED Displays = 88
Release RED SW01C Button.
Wait Three (3) to Seven (7) Minutes.
LED Displays
Check the communication
cable connections.
= 88
Auto Addressing Procedure Ends.
The address number of each indoor unit is shown on the wired controller display
or on the indoor unit display (this is not an error message). The address number
will disappear after pressing the ON / OFF button on the wired remote controller.
If 01, 02, ... 15 is displayed, then it means that 15 indoor units are recognized as
connected and have been successfully auto addressed.
Figure 47: Auto Addressing Flowchart.
Troubleshooting a Failed Indoor Unit Auto Addressing Procedure
If the quantity of indoor units the auto addressing procedure found is incorrect, or the “88” never disappears from the display for the seven (7)
minutes, the auto address procedure has failed and a communications problem exists. If the Auto Address Procedure failed:
1. Verify ALL indoor unit ON/OFF buttons are in the OFF position (i.e., ON / OFF button NOT illuminated).
2. Check the terminations, polarity, and continuity of each conductor on the communications cable between the outdoor unit and the indoor
units. Verify the indoor unit to outdoor unit communications cable is wired correctly.
3. Verify the shield of the communications cable is grounded at the outdoor unit only. All segment shields must be spliced together at each
indoor unit and
NOT grounded.
4. After repairing the communications cable, go to Step 9 of the Auto Addressing Procedure and repeat the process until successful: Press
and hold the red SW01C button for about five (5) seconds. Release when “88” appears on the SSD. After three (3) to seven (7) minutes,
the display will flash a number for about thirty (30) seconds indicating how many total indoor units the system successfully communicated
5. This number must match the known installed number of indoor units if the auto addressing procedure was successful.
6. Upon completion of the auto addressing routine, the display will be blank and the system will be in standby waiting for another
7. Record the system address the outdoor unit assigned to each indoor unit by the auto address procedure.