cannot connect printer to
cannot open Embedded Web
Server 182
print quality problems 153
printer is not responding 180
SMTP server not set up
troubleshooting, copy
partial copies of documents or
photos 210
poor copy quality 212
scanner does not close 213
scanner does not respond 214
troubleshooting, e
cannot send e
mails 203
troubleshooting, fax
caller ID is not shown 203
can send but not receive faxes
using analog fax 207
cannot send faxes using analog
cannot send or receive faxes
using analog fax 204
cannot send or receive faxes
using etherFAX 206
cannot send the fax cover page
from the computer 208
cannot set up etherFAX 204
missing information on the fax
cover page 208
troubleshooting, print
collated printing does not
work 200
confidential and other held
documents do not print 179
envelope seals when
incorrect margins 161
jammed pages are not
job prints from the wrong
job prints on the wrong
paper frequently jams 201
print jobs do not print 176
slow printing 177
tray linking does not work 201
troubleshooting, print quality
blank or white pages 154
crooked print 165
dark print 155
fine lines are not printed
correctly 157
folded or wrinkled paper 158
gray background on prints 159
horizontal light bands 169
light print 161
mottled print and dots 163
paper curl 164
repeating defects 175
skewed print 165
solid black pages 166
text or images cut off 167
toner easily rubs off 168
vertical dark bands 172
vertical dark lines or streaks 173
vertical dark streaks with print
missing 174
vertical light bands 170
vertical white lines 171
troubleshooting, scan
cannot scan to a computer 208
cannot scan to a network
jagged image when scanning
from the ADF 213
jagged text when scanning from
partial copies of documents or
photos 210
poor copy quality 212
scan job was not successful 211
scanner does not close 213
scanner does not respond 214
vertical dark streaks on output
when scanning from the
ADF 212
sided copying 59
unable to read flash drive
troubleshooting, print 181
Universal paper size
unlinking trays 42
updating firmware 44
USB port
USB printer port 20
using genuine Lexmark parts and
supplies 130
using the ADF
using the automatic document
feeder (ADF) 58, 61, 63, 67
using the control panel 12
using the scanner
glass 58, 61, 63, 67
verify print jobs 55
vertical dark bands 172
vertical dark lines on prints 173
vertical dark streaks 174
vertical dark streaks on output
when scanning from the ADF 212
vertical light bands 170
vertical streaks on prints 173
vertical white lines 171
viewing a fax log 65
viewing reports 129
volatile memory 51
erasing 50
statement of 51
white lines 171
white pages 154
wireless network
connecting the printer to 45
wireless networking 45
Fi Direct
configuring 47
enabling 48
printing from a mobile
device 53
Fi network
Fi Protected Setup
wireless network 46