13. AbbreviAtion And glossAr
13. Abbreviation and glossar
Access point (AP)
Device which allows wireless connection to a wired network. Build in routers
One of the most popular wired standards to connect digital devices to a network.
Ethernet port
Allows a device to connect to a network via Ethernet cable. Name of the port: RJ45
IP Address
Internet Protocol address. A numerical label assigned to a device in a network. For
most LANs there are only limited numbers of IP addresses.
Local Area Network. Set-up of at least 2 connected computing devices which
share one data communication system (net). Physically near 8 same building). Eth-
ernet and WiFi are the most used connections between the members of a LAN.
Static IP address
The user assigns the IP address of a device and the user can change the IP ad-
dress. Static IP addresses do not change unless the user changes the address.
There is a limited number of IP addresses for a network. A Static IP address can
expire depending on the IT policy.
2.4 GHz Frequency
Universally compatibility, 11 channels, 3 non overlapping (1, 6, 11), congested, much
non WiFi interference
5.0 GHz Frequency
- 61 channels depending on the country, 24 non overlapping, not congested so far,
little non WiFi interferences
Operating System