8. GettinG started
8.6 Log-in
For security reasons, we recommend creating a new administrator account and deleting the default account.
User accounts without administrator privileges can also be created (-> 9.2).
You can start PAULA app without logging in. But as “Guest” you have only limited access to features of PAULA.
Start the PAULA App on your screen
You are prompted to select your PAULA device.
Please compare the last 3 digits with the last digits
of the serial number of your PAULA. The serial
number is displayed at the rear side of the cell
If your device is not displayed with the appropriate
IP address please go to the task bar of the touch
monitor and activate the PAULA service (->
and insert the IP address manually under “others”.
You are then prompted to log-in
Your default admin password is delivered with
After logging in you’ll see instantly a Phase contrast
image of your specimen