8. GettinG started
8.5.2 Data view
The data view allows you to monitor all acquired data, organize them (list of flaks, projects and images), search
for entries (filter) , and to delete or export them. In addition you can see the results of your assays.
Display of lists:
Project list reflects all projects and their content
Flask list shows all flasks (= specimen), performed assays, and other parameter like used plasmids etc
Image gallery displays all images acquired independent if they are assigned to a project or a particular
flask. You can select if you want to see in addition all images acquired during a t-lapse recording and/ or if
you want to show the results of cell based assays (e.g. the outline of the confluence check on a particular
If you use the auto-naming system of PAULA the following abbreviations used in the names help you to
identify the type of data:
F: Flask (specimen)
T: Time lapse
I: Image
Search filter
Search the data base for cell lines, plasmids etc
Export and delete entries from the database
Export e.g. an image and use the infrastructure of your tablet to share your results e.g. via e-mail