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Here is the RS-232 output for the Logic+. As is standard for all Labconco units, the data
is limited to 80 characters, including spaces, etc.
Operating Status: Columns 1-4:
Column 1: UV Light --- U=on, O=off
Column 2: Blower --- B=on, O=off
Column 3: Fluorescent Light --- F=on, O=off
Column 4: Canopy Error, Airflow Alert, Airflow Alarm --- N=normal, C=Error
Column 5: Comma
Column 6: Sash position ---- D=down, N=normal operating position
Column 7: Comma
Alarms: Columns 8-11
Column 8: Sash Alarm --- N=no alarm, Y=alarm condition
Column 9: N
Column 10: Airflow alarm AIRFLOW OUT OF RANGE--- N=no alarm, Y=alarm condition
Column 11: Comma
Blower PWM Duty Cycle, Columns 12-15:
Blower speed ---- three digit 0-100% indicates the duty cycle of the motor speed
signal, followed by a comma
Instantaneous Blower RPM, Columns 16 -20
Most recent blower RPM read in from motor, 4 digits, updated every second,
followed by a comma
Average Blower RPM, Columns 21 -25
An averaged value, 4 digits, from the last 16 blower RPM readings above; this
number is used in all determinations of airflow alert, and filter life calculations;
followed by a comma
Airflow Sensor: Columns 26-42
Columns 26-33: RAW Airflow ---- RA=XXXXF, where XXXX = numbers, and F (feet),
followed by a comma
Columns 34-42: Scaled Inflow ---- I=XXXXF, where XXXX = numbers, and F (feet),
followed by a comma
Columns 43-48: Scaled Downflow ---- D=XXXXF, where XXXX = numbers, and F (feet),
followed by a comma; show xxxx for B2 units
Example: OBFN,N,NNN,79,1021,1000,RA=0200F, I=0105F, D=055F