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Inflow Velocity Calculation - Secondary
If the primary method cannot be performed, the secondary inflow calculation method
should be used. The secondary method uses a hot wire thermal anemometer. In this
method, the sash is lowered, and a series of velocity readings are taken at the front of
the unit.
NOTE: You must use Labconco holder P/N 3836405 to perform this test
properly. Qualified certifiers can obtain this holder as part of the Logic+
Certifier Kit, Labconco P/N 3858403, by contacting Labconco Customer
Service Department at 800-821-5525.
For each model Purifier, insert the proper template as indicated in Table 5-6, and shown
below in Figure 5-18.
The thermal anemometer probe should be positioned such that the distance from the
bottom of the probe holder to the center of the sensor element equals “Sensor Distance”
as shown in Table 5-6. Use the marks on the 6-foot templates, or a scale as shown in
Figure 5-19 & 5-20 below.
Figure 5-18
Measuring the restricted access opening
height, using the appropriate template.
Ensure that the bottom of the template is
seated in the sash stop.