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Optional Ventus
Canopy Exhaust
Certain applications such as working with odorous products or volatile toxic materials
will require the connection of the biosafety cabinet to an exhaust system.
Note: The canopy connection, also referred to as a thimble or air gap connection,
allows single or multiple biohazard cabinets to be connected to an exhaust system.
During operation, the exhaust system draws all of the cabinet’s exhaust air, plus a
volume of room air (through the vent in the canopy) into the exhaust duct. Canopy
connections function as a “shock absorber” allowing the system to function properly
during changes in room air pressure.
For information on selecting a canopy connection, go to
Section Eight: Accessories.
If the research involves the use of toxic compounds or volatile materials, contact
the facility’s safety officer or Labconco to ensure that the biosafety cabinet and its
exhaust system are compatible with the materials you will be working with.