14 WHEELS ................................................................... 69
Checking the tire air pressure........................... 69
Checking the tire condition .............................. 69
Checking the brake discs ................................. 70
Checking the spoke tension.............................. 70
Front wheel .................................................... 71
Removing the front wheel ............................ 71
Installing the front wheel ............................. 71
Removing the brake disc of the front brake.... 72
Installing the brake disc of the front brake .... 72
Rear wheel ..................................................... 72
Removing the rear wheel ............................. 72
Installing the rear wheel .............................. 73
Removing the brake disc of the rear brake..... 74
Installing the brake disc of the rear brake...... 74
Checking the chain tension.......................... 75
Adjusting the chain tension ......................... 75
Checking the chain, rear sprocket, engine
sprocket and chain guide............................. 76
Checking for chain dirt accumulation............ 77
Cleaning the chain ...................................... 77
15 WIRING HARNESS, BATTERY..................................... 79
Changing the main fuse................................... 79
Removing the battery ...................................... 80
Installing the battery ....................................... 81
Recharging the battery .................................... 81
Checking the charging voltage .......................... 82
Checking the quiescent current ........................ 83
Checking the starter relay ................................ 83
16 BRAKE SYSTEM ........................................................ 84
Checking the front brake linings ....................... 84
Changing the front brake linings ....................... 84
Adding front brake fluid................................... 87
Changing the front brake fluid.......................... 87
Checking the rear brake linings ........................ 89
Changing the rear brake linings ........................ 89
lever .............................................................. 91
16.12 Checking the rear brake fluid level.................... 91
16.13 Adding rear brake fluid .................................... 92
16.14 Changing the rear brake fluid ........................... 93
17 LIGHTING SYSTEM, INSTRUMENTS ........................... 95
Setting the speedometer.................................. 95
Setting kilometers or miles............................... 96
Setting the clock............................................. 96
Setting the wheel circumference ...................... 96
Setting the service display ............................... 97
Checking the headlight setting ......................... 97
Adjusting the headlight range........................... 98
Changing the turn signal bulb .......................... 98
Changing the headlight bulb ............................ 98
17.10 Changing the speedometer battery .................... 99
18 30/ENGINE ............................................................. 101
Removing the engine..................................... 101
Installing the engine...................................... 104
Engine disassembly....................................... 108
Draining the gear oil.................................. 109
Removing the clutch push rod.................... 109
Removing the shift lever ............................ 109
Removing the spacer................................. 109
Removing the starter motor........................ 110
Removing the cylinder head....................... 111
Removing the cylinder............................... 112
Removing the piston ................................. 112
18.3.10 Removing the water pump cover................. 113
18.3.11 Removing the clutch cover......................... 113
18.3.12 Removing the clutch discs ......................... 113
18.3.13 Removing the clutch basket ....................... 114
18.3.14 Removing the shift shaft............................ 115
18.3.15 Removing the shift drum locating unit ........ 115
18.3.16 Removing the locking lever ........................ 115
18.3.17 Removing the rotor.................................... 115
18.3.18 Removing the reed valve housing................ 116
18.3.19 Removing the left engine case section ........ 116
18.3.20 Removing the shift rails............................. 117
18.3.21 Removing the shift drum ........................... 117
18.3.22 Removing the shift forks............................ 117
18.3.23 Removing the transmission shafts............... 117
18.3.24 Removing the crankshaft ........................... 117
Work on individual parts ................................ 118
Changing the connecting rod, conrod
bearing, and crank pin .............................. 120
Checking the crankshaft run-out at the
bearing pin............................................... 121
Checking/measuring the cylinder ................ 121
coating ......................... 122
Checking/measuring the piston................... 122
clearance ................................................. 123
18.4.12 Checking the reed valve housing, reed
valve, and intake flange............................. 123
18.4.13 Work on the clutch cover ........................... 124
18.4.14 Checking the clutch .................................. 125
18.4.15 Preassembling the shift shaft ..................... 126
18.4.16 Checking the shift mechanism ................... 127
18.4.17 Disassembling the main shaft .................... 128
18.4.18 Disassembling the countershaft.................. 129
18.4.19 Checking the transmission ......................... 129
18.4.20 Assembling the main shaft......................... 130
18.4.21 Assembling the countershaft ...................... 131
18.4.22 Checking the electric starter drive .............. 133
Engine assembly........................................... 134