This page allows to link the SMS / e-mail / controller events to voice messages /
Contact-ID events to send to receivers thah can be selected from the phone-
Receivers List:
Select up to 8 phonebook numbers linked to the event to which
SMS / e-mail / voice calls or Contact-ID events will be sent
Activation SMS:
Set the SMS / e-mail text that the controller will send to the
selected numbers when the input is activated or the linked event occurs. If no
text is setted, no SMS / e-mail will be sent.
Reset SMS:
Set the SMS / e-mail text that the controller will send to the selected
numbers when the input is reset or the linked event ends. If no text is setted no
SMS / e-mail will be sent.
Activation Message:
Select the voice message numbers that the controller will
send to the selected numbers when the input is activated or the linked event
occurs. If no message is setted no vocal call will be realized..
Reset Message:
Select the voice message number that the controller will send
to the selected numbers when the input is reset or the linked event ends. If no
message is setted no vocal call will be realized.