The controller's integral term (integration over time) ensures steady-state accuracy in
controlled systems with compensation function. Once the controlled variable has
reached its steady-state value, the offset will be zero, provided parameterisation is
correct. Depending on its value, the integral term of the controller PI Integral Tm
has the following effect on the control characteristics:
Low value selected for PI Integral Tm
: Faster elimination of offset, if any.
This may, however, cause the value of the controlled variable to oscillate around
the setpoint and result in control process instability.
Large value selected for PI Integral Tm
: Considerably reduces the
controller's response speed
Actual value
Value too large
Value optimal
Value too small
Point in time at which a sudden
change in setpoint occurs (dashed line)
Fig. 35: Setting the proportional gain
Actual value
Value too large
Value optimal
Value too small
Point in time at which a sudden
change in setpoint occurs (dashed line)
Fig. 36: Setting the integral term Closed-loop control mode via control panel
The setpoint can be specified using the control panel. For this purpose, the Setpoint
Source 2 parameter
must be set to Configurable Setpoint (factory setting).
The setpoint unit is set using the Setpoint Unit parameter
. Depending on
the unit selected, the setpoint is specified using the Configurable Setpoint parameter
. The Max Setpoint parameter
Section Page 49) must be
set identically to parameter
Analog IN 1 High or
Analog IN 2 High,
depending on the feedback source selected.
PumpDrive is to control the system to achieve a setpoint of 6.7 bar in a differential
pressure control process. For this purpose, a differential pressure sensor (4 - 20 mA)
with a measuring range of 0 to 10 bar is connected to analog input 2 of PumpDrive.
The setpoint is specified using the control panel.
7 Commissioning/shutdown
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