Pos: 48.12.1 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Ballenkammer befüllen/Ballenkammer befüllen F orti ma_T eil1 @ 103\mod_1331729267336_78.docx @ 937500 @ 2 @ 1
Filling the Bale Chamber
Fig. 141
To attain a consistent bale density inside a round bale, the bale chamber should be filled
evenly. The swath width is an important factor here.
It is optimal if the swath has exactly the same width as the bale chamber.
If the swath is wider than this swath width, an exact design of the round bales is not ensured
any more. The round bale will be frayed on the sides and difficult to eject from the bale
Pos: 48.12.2 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Ballenkammer befüllen/Ballenkammer befüllen F orti ma_T eil2 @ 230\mod_1393323028088_78.docx @ 1843088 @ @ 1
If the swath is narrow, the bale chamber can be filled evenly only by driving onto the swath from
alternate sides (left/right). However, do not zigzag: drive long distances on the left and right side
of the swath as shown in the adjacent illustration. Too frequent changes and uneven filling of
the bale chamber will produce barrel-shaped round bales, uneven baling density and higher
wear of the floor conveyor chains.
Pos: 48.12.3 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Ballenkammer befüllen/D er errei chte D urchmesser bzw. Pr essdruck kann am M onitor des Bedientermi nals abgel esen wer den. @ 230\mod_1393323282979_78.docx @ 1843117 @ @ 1
The reached diameter or baling pressure can be read off on the monitor of the operation
Pos: 48.12.4 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Ballenkammer befüllen/Ballenkammer befüllen_Hi nwei se Forti ma @ 113\mod_1338447022121_78.docx @ 1002005 @ @ 1
Barrel-shaped round bales can cause damage to the floor conveyor. Distorted and thick round
bales are detrimental to proper silage production.
To prevent overload on the round baler when handling certain types of crop (e. g. wet silage),
the baling pressure should be reduced. The baling pressure must never be adjusted over 200
bar or over 100 % baling pressure.
Pos: 48.12.5 /Abkürzungen /Abkürzung en spr achneutral/R undballenpr essen/Forti ma F 1250 (MC) / F 1600 (MC) @ 113\mod_1338372324634_78.docx @ 1001105 @ @ 1
Fortima F 1250 (MC) / Fortima F 1600 (MC)
Pos: 48.12.6 /BA/Bedienung /R undballenpr esse/Ballenkammer befüllenHinweise Ballenkammer befüllen CF @ 66 \mod_1302514167499_78.docx @ 616925 @ @ 1
The binding process should be started at the latest when the baling pressure indicators reach
the red range (the buzzer sounds if the comfort electronic system is fitted).
To prevent overload on the machine when handling certain types of crop (e.g. wet silage), the
binding process should already be started at an earlier point.
Permanent overload of the machine can drastically reduce the service life.
Pos: 48.12.7 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbr uch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1