Terminal – Menus
Pos: 42.28.63 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 3/K- O/M/M enü 13-1 " Kundenzähl er" @ 355\mod_1438605561164_78.docx @ 2650488 @ 3 @ 1
Menu 13-1 “Customer Counter”
Pos: 42.28.64 /BA/Info-C enter /ALLE T er minals i n einem - ISOBU S, D elta, BET A II ( ab BJ 15/16)/ALLE T er minals/R undball enpressen/M enü 13-1 Kundenzähler _Bild_ALLE T ermi nals_C ompri ma F V_+ X-treme_Forti ma @ 367\mod_1441282306596_78.docx @ 2695320 @ @ 1
Fig. 117
Pos: 42.28.65 /BA/Info-C enter /ALLE T er minals i n einem - ISOBU S, D elta, BET A II ( ab BJ 15/16)/ALLE T er minals/R undball enpressen/M enü 13-1 Kundenzähler _Text- vor auss_ALLE T ermi nals_C omprima_F orti ma_Ulti ma @ 383\mod_1444385168766_78.docx @ 2757427 @ @ 1
– “Counters” menu is called, refer to chapter Terminal Menus, ”Menu 13 ‘Counters’”.
• Select
to open the menu.
The display shows menu 13-1 “Customer Counter”.
Pos: 42.28.66 /BA/Info-C enter /ALLE T er minals i n einem - ISOBU S, D elta, BET A II ( ab BJ 15/16)/ALLE T er minals/R undball enpressen/M enü 13-1 Kundenzähler _Tabelle_ALLE T er minals_C omprima F V_+X-tr eme_F orti ma @ 366\mod_1441197470576_78.docx @ 2692625 @ @ 1
The displayed icons have the following meaning:
Customer counter 1-20 (active customer counter is grey shaded)
Sum of pressed round bales for the respective customer
Operating hours counter for the respective customer
Pos: 42.28.67 /BA/Info-C enter /ALLE T er minals i n einem - ISOBU S, D elta, BET A II ( ab BJ 15/16)/ALLE T er minals/R undball enpressenM enü 13- 1 Kundenzähl er_T ext2_ALLE Ter minals_Comprima_For tima @ 355\mod_1438586877060_78.docx @ 2649659 @ @ 1
Activating customer counter
• Use and to navigate to the desired customer counter and activate by using
The desired customer counter is highlighted in grey.
Changing the number of bales
To do this, the selected customer counter must not be activated.
• Navigate to the desired customer counter using and
• Select
to increase number of bales.
• Select
to reduce number of bales.
Setting customer counter to zero
To do this, the selected customer counter must not be activated.
• To reset a certain customer counter to zero, navigate with and
to the desired
customer counter and delete the values using
• To reset all customer counters to zero, select
for at least 2 seconds.
Pos: 42.28.68 /Layout M odul e /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1